Decorative Ironwork at Retrouvius

Retrouvius have acquired some interesting salvaged metal structures. This decorative ironwork serves almost as a sculpture in itself. Against a wall the intricate details become more and more evident.


The complex handcrafted piece almost looks like an abstract drawing. The squiggles gradually turn into carefully crafted leaves, moving away from their abstract beginnings.5787_4_of_7

The straight metal lines incorporated into the centre of the structure resemble skyscrapers of an inner city.


The swirling lines and round shapes then begin to make a little more sense the longer you look at the construction as a whole.

The curling lines make up the clouds of smoke and fumes surrounding the skyline and elegantly turn into leaves and shapes consistent with the wider picture.


The ironwork is quite magnificent in its detail and craftsmanship, standing as a piece of art alone.

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